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In 1996, The Base was released by Georg Buol.


Map Info:
Type: SP, Version: v1.3d
Rating: 84, Size: 104.46 KB

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Duke Nukem Repository » Downloads » Maps & Addons » Crucial Conflict: 3 - Acupa Dylana, by Maarten Pinxten
Map Name: Crucial Conflict: 3 - Acupa Dylana
Author: Maarten Pinxten
Released: 5th December 2000
Rating: 95

Review by Kim Robinson on 12th August 2007

Acupa Dylana is last in the MPCC series and a nicely done one at that, again we see Maarten's exquisite Building skills with great detail, kick-arse effects and realistic design (well, insomuch as we can tell is realistic). The transition from terra to alien environments is just plain cool and the final climactic fights are quite satisfying. Puzzles are pretty much self-explanatory, there's no real brain-busting problems, just a whole lot of Duke3D monsters in a Half-Life-esque map. Great stuff!

Screenshot Screenshot

Gameplay Type: SP
Requires: Duke Nukem 3D v1.4+
Filesize: 338.03 KB
Level includes: new ART

Download: Crucial Conflict: 3 - Acupa Dylana (521)
Other releases by Maarten Pinxten: Crucial Conflict: 1 - Suspicious Storage, Crucial Conflict: 2 - Waterworld, Hazardous Chemicals, MP Research Facility, MPOrbit, MpRocket, Operation Kolpowitz, The Railway Station, The Restless Resort

Know of any other maps from this author? Let us know

Mapping template:

Title                   : MP's Crucial Conflict: 3 - Acupa Dylana
Filenames               : mpcc3.map, mpcc3.art, mpcc3.bat and mpcc3.txt
Author                  : Maarten Pinxten
Email Address           : duke3d[at]2maarten.com, mfpinxten[at]hotmail.com
Homepage		: Http://www.2maarten.com
Description             :
			From secret documents it appears that the
			artificial island used to be a transhipment
			harbour, which has fallen in decay after
			numerous corruption scandals a few years back,
			and has been taken over by a smuggling gang.
			The underground supply train can be well used
			to transport contraband goods directly to the
			city of Rotterdam. Without custom or coastguard
			However, alien scouts have discovered this
			train, and use it to attack the distribution
			facility to which the tunnels lead. From that
			building, transportation of goods between the
			earth and some space stations is maintained.
			It is therefore fully equipped to let the
			aliens land right in the centre of the city,
			and with the tunnels every coastal defence is

			Duke pursues them, but is too late. Rotterdam
			has fallen a prey to the alien cruelty. With
			a totally masacred population, the city looks
			strangely deserted. 

			There is only one way to stop the invasion
			before it has really begun and stay alive at
			the same time. The alien leader, a gigantic
			beast known as Spoolh the Filthy and worshipped
			by the alien troops, must be destroyed. The
			whereabouts of this horrible creature are
			unknown, but it is said that he approaches
			earth fast in his craft, some sort of meteorite
			called Acupa Dylana...

Additional Credit to    :
			- 3D Realms for making this kick-ass game;
			- My beta-testers: Pascal Rouaud and Blackjack.
			- Deathtoll, for certainly busting this map.
			He made me see the light and add some secrets.
			- Valve Software and Epic Megagames, for some
			great textures I copied from HalfLife and
			Unreal (Tournament and original);
			- Usurper, for his very good editart guide;
			- The whole friggin' duke community with the
			people hanging around complaining about how
			dead the community is and how little maps are
			being released, instead of doing something
			about it and build some maps, 'cause that's
			what's their mommy and daddy have made them for.
			To all of you: Stop reading this nonsense and go
			provide humanity with more and better maps!
			- and you of course, for wasting time playing
			my map.

* Play Information *

Single Player           : Of course, it's made for SP
Cooperative 2-4 Player  : nope
Deathmatch 2-4 Player   : Killing friends huh? No, not here.
Difficulty Settings     : Not implemented
Version 1.4 required	: Yes, can't live without it.
New Sounds/music	: No, don't have the talent.
New Graphics:		: Yes. I was kinda forced to add some. mpcc3
			is connected seamlessly with mpcc2 so I had
			to include it's art. I have made some new
			textures for mpcc3, but I used old art where
			ever I could.

* Construction *

Base                    : New from scratch
Editor used             : BUILD.EXE (what choice do we have anyway)
Build Time              : some months on and off. More off than on, I
			must admit.
Known Bugs              : Not that I know of. None, if the beta-testers
			have done their job right ;-).

* Copyright / Permissions *

You can freely distribute this level and put it on your page. 
Don't distribute this level under your own name. If you put it on
your internet page, on CD, diskette etc., ALWAYS include this textfile
with it (and please let me know, so I can feel honoured :) ).
If you want to know how I have let things work in one of my maps, feel
free to mail and ask.
About the art, you are NOT allowed to use the new art. If you want to,
ask first and I will think about it. I want you to have as much fun
searching for good textures as I had.

* Where to get this MAP *



That is all. I hope you enjoy playing the map as much as I enjoyed
making it! Please email me with your comments (good as well as bad) to

Visit www.2maarten.com for the complete story, part 1 and 2 of the
trilogy, and more of my maps. You can also download the full Crucial
Conflict mappack there (when I wrote this text, it was not yet finished,
but it will be very soon).

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