Very roughly speaking, this is how it works:
Anything to do with site maintenance - that is, how it looks, any error which may crop up every now and then, letting us know there's weeds growing in the corners, etc. - should be directed to Kim. In fact anything site-related which might even be slightly technical is best sent to him as well. His email address is kim[at]dukerepository[dot]com (with the [at] and [dot] replaced with the appropriate symbols, of course) and the subject matter should be prefixed with [DNR] to get past spam filters.
Anything regarding map reviews, including submissions, suggestions or just plain old fashioned abuse may be sent to Fernando, [grin] whose email address is fernando[at]dukerepository[dot]com. Other Duke-related goodness may be sent his way as well.
Lastly, if you'd just like to say hello or comment on the sterling job we're
doing, feel free to drop us a line.