Author: Nathan Orr
Released: 6th July 1997
Rating: 76
Review by Fernando Márquez on 17th September 2007
The first level of Nathan's lunar map series. One which can take at least fifteen minutes to complete, and indeed a classic. Moonbase explores the typical installation with the common space tile motif, although it looks very rushed in some sectors and also loses some realism (e.g. space windows). Ammo do not aplenty enough for the whole journey because of the overflow of baddies around the level. Still, a definite classic you'll enjoy while remembering the good old days!
Gameplay Type: SP
Duke Nukem 3D v1.3d
Filesize: 76.06 KB
Moonbase (273)
Other releases by Nathan Orr:
Moonbase 2,
Moonbase 3,
Know of any other maps from this author? Let us know
Mapping template:
=========================================================== MOONBASE =========================================================== FILENAME : AUTHOR : Nathan Orr E-MAIL : Punk[at] <----That email address kicks ass, huh? DESCRIPTION : After playing this map you might think I was a star trek freak or something, but I'm not. the new movies inspired the 'star destroyer bridge' and I just kept working off of it. Now that I have added some keycard doors it finally has some structure. It does, however, lack any cool fx. This is my second level, I was able to put it together in less than a month. In the end, it didn't live up to my expectations. I am always working on it. E-mail me please and tell me what you think. I hav stayed up long nights and been late for work many, many times just so YOU can play it. You'd better like it. If not - FUCK YOU! No, just kidding. Really though, let me know what you think of it. =========================================================== Enjoy MOONBASE =========================================================== SINGLE PLAYER? : Yes of course DUKEMATCH? : Uh...probably not CO-OP PLAY? : Have it your way DIFFICULTY SETTINGS? : Not Implemented BASE: : New level from scratch EDITOR USED : Build, and I think that's the only one, isn't it? KNOWN BUGS : For some reason the bridge over the big cayon fucks up sometimes and lizard troops fly through it. There might be some more. I dunno. Let me know if you find any. SPECIAL THANKS: To my brain, for being so smart and perfect, to my wife, for being so patient and willing to put out for me when I am horny, and to my iguanas, Louis, Sartre, and W., for being so fucking cool. Also my Nile Monitor, Nietzche, for being cool as well. Anyone else? Oh, yeah - one more - to GG Allin, for being the best punkrocker ever born. OTHER LEVELS BY Nathan Orr : A couple cool ones and probably more by the time you read this. E-mail me and I'll send them to you. NOTE: DO NOT COPY THIS LEVEL OR CLAIM IT AS YOUR OWN OR I WILL HUNT YOU DOWN AND CUT YOUR BALLS OFF! But, hey, if you just want to play around with it and rip it up, be my guest. Another thing - my lizards don't get much email and if you would like to write to them that would really make their day. Just send it to my email address with their name in the subject line. Louis has his own email, though. It's louismerle[at] If you write him he will send you a pic of himself. Thanks.