Author: Victor
Released: 20th May 2003
Rating: 85
Review by Kim Robinson on 7th March 2008
A fun and overly large map which is entirely unlinear and just as easily confusing, Killing Time offers an enormous playing field within which to kill things, blow things up and generally make a mess. Replay value is right up there due to the openness and plethora of available routes, but you can easily get lost while hunting for those ever elusive key cards. Still a grand play, though.
Gameplay Type: SP
Duke Nukem 3D v1.3d
Filesize: 103.84 KB
Level includes: multiple difficulty settings
Download: Killing Time (289)
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Mapping template:
=========================================================== Killing Time =========================================================== A Duke Nukem 3D user created level FILENAME : AUTHOR : Victor E-MAIL : pieryte[at] (as of current) ;) DESCRIPTION : This map was originally going to be a strictly DM map, but after awhile, and people mentioning to make it SP, I decided to try something new and unique, hopefully not seen before, and hopefully enjoyable. Within this map, it is totally huge and very nonlinear, I.E. you can go just about every where, if you can't figure out how to get somewhere one way, there is probably another way around to get there. (Check bottom for More info) Additional Credits: All the people who helped and played it, all the people [at] AMC, MBlackwell, SpaceBandit3000, Mr. Show, me, and last but not least, my girlfriend..... =========================================================== Enjoy it bitch! =========================================================== DUKE VERSION? : 1.3D & Higher SINGLE PLAYER? : YES DUKEMATCH? : YES CO-OP PLAY? : YES DIFFICULTY SETTINGS? : 2, Let's Rock & Come Get Some BASE: : New level from scratch EDITOR USED : Build V 1.3, Build V 1.4, CBuild V of current. KNOWN BUGS : Misc. Sprites, just normal sprite glitches. OTHER LEVELS BY Victor : INDUSTDM.MAP - DukeWeb contest, FIRST PLACE BABY!!;) Current Projects : F.T.C. for Duke 1.4/1.5 FOR NEW USERS : Yeah, it's hard to be a new user when Duke is over 6 frickin years old. Where to get this: =========================================================== Visit my Webspace at =========================================================== This user map can be distributed as long as no modifcations to this text file, and user map are made. I am not associated with 3DRealms in anyway. You should already know this! =========================================================== ********************SPOILER ALERT!!************************ **DO NOT READ UNLESS YOU HAVE AT LEAST BEAT THE MAP ONCE!** ********************SPOILER ALERT!!************************ ----------------------------------------------------------- After you played the map, and if you haven't figured it out yet, it is a huge place to go. Many options are available, and you most likely haven't been to every place possible. If you beat the map within a short time you are missing out on a ton of stuff. Since there are 2 possible exits, and cool secrets, I made this map, for it to be demanded to be played twice. Since the main task of building it in DM, was to make just about every single room escapable via 1 or more different exits, so if a player has to run away in a Death match, they can escape in a totally different direction.This is what made the map very nonlinear. Also, if you haven't seen the underground passage way, I suggest to play it again.... Remember, just about everyplace has an exit, so if you think you are stuck behind a fence...... =========================================================== **********************END SPOILER************************** ===========================================================