Author: AReyeP
Released: 14th January 1999
Rating: 75
Review by Kim Robinson on 2nd August 2007
An odd sort of level, primarily for Dukematch but filled with monsters in this release for single play - The City Block is a reasonably well-made, nicely detailed level which is surprisingly fun, despite the overall 'newbie mapper' feel to it. There's a few deadly swinging doors and a bit of oversizing, if you know what I mean. Curiously enough there's no exit button, so the level can't actually be completed - a bit of a turn off but it's still a good few minutes fun, even if it is just for the bloodbath.
Gameplay Type: SP
Duke Nukem 3D v1.3d
Filesize: 31.71 KB
Download: The City Block (377)
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