Author: Frode Waksvik (Puritan)
Released: 30th April 2004
Rating: 79
Review by Kim Robinson on 1st August 2007
An enormous city-styled level with more locations than you can poke a stick at, Yesworld is fast-paced with insanely difficult puzzles, which unfortunately does detract from what would otherwise be a pretty fair level. The level features some nice effects and reasonable design (although some streets and rooms are a little empty), but knowing where to go and what to do next are sometimes impossible to work out. Be sure to check the documentation for hints, or better yet contact the author if you get stuck.
Gameplay Type: SP
Duke Nukem 3D v1.4+
Filesize: 637.28 KB
Level includes: new ART, new CON code
Yesworld (348)
Other releases by Frode Waksvik (Puritan):
Afterglow: A New World Rising,
Afterglow; The Scent,
Bruise Mining Company,
Neutron Base: The Arrival,
QMC: Puritan,
Unaided Mission,
Undesirable Elements,
Vermin Clearance II,
Yesworld: 2nd Edition
Know of any other maps from this author? Let us know
Mapping template:
====================================================================== THIS LEVEL IS NEITHER MADE BY OR SUPPORTED BY 3D REALMS. Title : Yesworld Filename : Author : Frode `warlord` Waksvik E-mail : aaselage[at] Web Page : Misc. Author Info : Other Levels : Coming soon Description : Kind of citylevel for experienced dukers. (Added) About blue keycard : The card respawns after you`ve taken a dive into the pool in the park( there are two different spots to dive in the pool). After diving please move to the door with blue activatorlocked, The card should now be located on top of the wooden container. Additional Credits To : Semicharm for his outstanding elevators(multileveled). My brother for constructive critisism. ====================================================================== * Play Information * Episode and Level # : Single Player : Yes DukeMatch 2-8 Player : No Cooperative 2-8 Player : No Difficulty Settings : Not implemented Plutonium Pak Required : Yes New Art : No New Music : No New Sound Effects : No New .CON Files : Yes Demos Replaced : No ===================================================================== * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Level Editor(s) Used : BUILD Art Editor(s) Used : None Construction Time : Two weeks Known Bugs/Problems : There is a occasionally demon in the hotel who sometimes controls the elevators. ===================================================================== *Important Information* Installation : Backup your user.con file,load map and new user.con into your duke directory and enjoy! Important Notes : Anything you feel the public should know ======================================================================