Author: The Commander
Released: 29th April 2009
Rating: Pending review
Review by Frode Waksvik on 9th May 2009
Pending review...
The authors own words:
My remake of E1L1, E1L2 and E3L9 combined all into one map with a TON of monsters. This map has purposely been redesigned for the CO-OP lovers that love killing a ton of monsters. It takes just over 1 hour to finish. (from the testing that I have done online with Franpa, Maarten, Merlijn and William)
This map is impossible to finish on single player, with out cheats. (If you can send me proof. )
Do not use the HRP or you will be very sorry, also don't use Duke Plus.
Not much has changed in the way of design except for a few room's and key card relocation's and other enhancements.
The vent on the roof opens up to reveal a transport after you blow up the building using the blue key card. (E1L2)
Gameplay Type: SP,COOP
Duke Nukem 3D v1.4+ and JonoF/EDuke32
Filesize: 808.24 KB
Level includes: new music
Download: Dukes Nightmare (4767)
Know of any other maps from this author? Let us know
Mapping template:
================================================================ Title : Dukes Nightmare Date Completed : 29/4/09 Filename : Author : The Commander Email Address : codynz3000[at] Misc. Author Info : I am Cody, im an asshole but im an ok guy if you can get past that. Other Levels : Random crap levels for the failed Command & Conquer TC. (Geoff's maps were the best) DUKE THEFT AUTO Description : A remake of E1L1, E1L2 and E3L9 combined all into one map with a TON of monsters. This map has purposely been redesigned for the CO-OP lovers that love killing a ton of monsters. It takes just over 1 hour to finish. (from the testing that I have done online with others) Liztroop = 505 Slimer = 329 Lizman = 321 Boss1 = 0 Commander = 170 MiniBoss1 = 53 Octabrain = 181 Boss2 = 1 Pigcop = 923 Boss3 = 0 Recon Car = 589 Riot Tank = 33 Drone = 48 Newbeast = 197 Turret = 2 Boss4 = 0 Egg = 0 Respawning Actors = 31 Total = 3383 (There are more, Around 3500 would be a better number) Additional Credits : Franpa, Maarten, Merlijn, Sang (Battlefield inspiration) and William (but he sucks :P) ================================================================ * Play Information * Single Player : Not intended, would be impossible to finish without cheats. Cooperative 2-8 Player : Yes, thats what this map was made for. DukeMatch 2-8 Player : NO Difficulty Settings : Sorta, but made for Damn Im Good. Atomic Edition Required : Yes Eduke32 Required : Yes HRP Required : NO!!! Unless you want your PC to chrash. Duke Plus Required : NO New Sound : NO New Music : Yes, Act On Instinct from Command & Conquer New Art : NO Modified CONs : NO Demos Replaced : WTF, Who uses that shit anymore? * Construction * Base : New level from scratch, no I lie... E1L1, E1L2, E3L9 combined. Build Time : 2 Months off and on. Editor(s) used : Mapster32, what else would I use? Known Bugs : Hall of mirrors in a spot if using the software render. Sprinting through all the monsters when the building blows is going to cause one hell of a frame rate issue, caution is advised. May Not Run With... : DUKE PLUS, Unless it's on the default options, Duke Plus spawns to much crap and causes Eduke32 to crash with the "to many sprites" error and also hog's your CPU because of all the CON code being executed. DO NOT USE THE HRP!!! Polymost is fine though and recommended, but no AUTOLOAD folder you fuckers. Important Notes : This map was made for CO-OP and NOT single player. So I will ignore any comments about that it's crap and to hard. The vent on the roof opens up to reveal a transport after you blow up the building using the blue key card. (E1L2) * Copyright / Permissions * Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. Yeah right... Sanek, where are you? You MAY distribute this MAP file in any format as long as you keep the music and this text document with it. But seem's that is kinda impossible on YANG. The Commander Duke Theft Auto DAMN THAT WAS ANNOYING! DAMN THAT WAS ANNOYING! DAMN THAT WAS ANNOYING! DAMN THAT WAS ANNOYING! DAMN THAT WAS ANNOYING! DAMN THAT WAS ANNOYING! DAMN THAT WAS ANNOYING! DAMN THAT WAS ANNOYING! DAMN THAT WAS ANNOYING! DAMN THAT WAS ANNOYING! DAMN THAT WAS ANNOYING! DAMN THAT WAS ANNOYING! DAMN THAT WAS ANNOYING! DAMN THAT WAS ANNOYING! DAMN THAT WAS ANNOYING! DAMN THAT WAS ANNOYING! DAMN THAT WAS ANNOYING! DAMN THAT WAS ANNOYING! DAMN THAT WAS ANNOYING! DAMN THAT WAS ANNOYING! DAMN THAT WAS ANNOYING! 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