Author: Merlijn van Oostrum
Released: 7th July 2003
Rating: 95
Review by Kim Robinson on 12th August 2007
A nice dukematch level with plenty of detail, hiding places and goodies - and at last a level which isn't too difficult using atomic bots! Shading is strikingly realistic and the outside areas complement the inside ones quite well. There's a lot of great features to this level, grab a copy and take a look now!
Gameplay Type: DM
Duke Nukem 3D v1.4+
Filesize: 157.75 KB
Hell Awaits (334)
Other releases by Merlijn van Oostrum:
Red4: Boat Trippin,
Red5: Lonely Mountain Complex
Know of any other maps from this author? Let us know
Mapping template:
------------------------------> HELL AWAITS <---------------------------------------- title : Hell awaits Filename : hellaw8z Authors : Merlijn van Oostrum E-mail adress : merlijn_redhot[at] Authors Info : 18 year old metal freak who rather wastes his time on building then studying :) Release Date : ... Other levels : Red1 t/m 4 tunnelz 1 map 4 BN OGBB (with Willy and Maartn) dozenz of unfinished shit :) Future levels : red5 and maybe some more... you'll see _______________________________________________________________________________ Description : I just started building one time with the idea of wasting as much sectors as possible wich gave some cool results I think. After that I continued building on it when I felt like it. The resultz are this dm map with 666 sectors. :P It's my first dm map evah so probably the gameplay will suck :) Story: You are mister K.Ill, in normal life just the average officeworker at the We Store Your Crap company who spends more time at the burger king then at home, and a true workaholic. But this is about to change when you got transferred to one of the WSYC bases on the other side of the world. This base stands on a rocky Island in the middle of the pacific oceam about 200 meter above sea level. Something they didn't tell was that the workers there went berserk and are terrorising the factory, killing each other and shooting at everything that moves. The reason of these sudden events still remains unknown. They also didn't tell you that you got miniature sensors and camera's with you who will register everything happening as soon as you enter the base, hoping that they will see the reason of all this. They didn't tell you that you are their guinea pig and that you'll turn into a unstoppable killer also probably. They didn't tell you that there on that Isle, hell awaits.... _____________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________ * Play information * Episode and level : no comments Single Player : Not really, only some monsters to practice on (on come get some) It's wise to first scout the area on sp before starting a "botmatch" ;) Look where the goodies are and wich places can be used in your advantage etc. DukeMatch Level : Yes! Cooperative Match : Nope Difficulty Settings : Yes, play this map on come get some to get "Commander match" Play it on Damn I'm good to get "Suicide match" :P Atomic Pack Requied : Yes! New Art : No New Music : No New CON-Files : No New Sounds : No (boooring) Demos Replaced : No way :P ___________________________________________________________________________ * Construction * Base : New level from nothin' but scratch Level editor(s) used : b b b build (duhhh) Construction time : very short maybe 1 month :D Known bugs/problems : The filename (hellaw8z) is written with a Z, wich will cost me at least 30 points :P Real bugs: none. I hope... * Were to get this MAP file * Dumb questions deserve dumb answers. In other words: you've allready got it :P * How to start this map * Use dukeroch to launch this map with bots. And maybe also people will play it on internet, would be cool :) _____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________ * Thanks to * -Bob averill and Alejandro Glavic. You'll see why if you see the rating of details in this map :) -Duke community 4 being nice people (slijm slijm slijm :P) -Beta testerz *William Gee *Amund *Alejandro *Kuffi *Maartn _____________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ * Xtra: about playing with bots * I think it's wisest to start this map with 3 opponents or less, especially the first time you play it. In the beginning this level can be very hard with bots, but you'll see that once you know how to handle the bots you'll mob the floor with them :P Just find out wich things or locations in the map can be used in your advantage ;) 1 example: when ur outta ammo you can easily escape bots by using the staircases. You'll have to figure the rest out yourself :) _____________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________snuif! Nice line of coke :P * Copyright (or copyleft :P ) * Don't rip anything from this map, only release it with THIS txt-file included. thank you :) #This map is neither made nor supported by coca cola (drink coca cola! It rox!! :P) #