Author: Scott McNutt
Released: 7th July 1996
Rating: 80
Review by Kim Robinson on 6th March 2008
An annoyingly confusing but reasonably well put together level taking place in some kind of otherworldly control station - level design is solid and makes use of large areas, although the mazey bits can get a little tedious. Not a very hard level, it's largely a giant key-hunt. The only thing likely to slow you down are the monsters.
Gameplay Type: SP
Duke Nukem 3D v1.3d
Filesize: 38.12 KB
Control Station (217)
Other releases by Scott McNutt:
Proxyon Military Base
Know of any other maps from this author? Let us know
Mapping template:
================================================================ Title : Control Station for Duke Nukem 3D Filename : DUKECTRL.MAP Author : Scott McNutt Email Address : smmcnutt[at] WWW Address : Description : Control Station was built on the planet Andromeda in the Alpha Cruxus system, known as Summer Row because of the five Earth-type worlds that orbit this G-type sun at comfortable distances. The whole system is possibly the richest non-mineral system in the galaxy. Control Station is built from scratch utilizing Duke Nukem's unique special effects. Look for cool rooms above rooms, Rotating doors, tremendous lighting effects, exploding walls are a blast, video monitors are there to stalk your prey in DukeMatch play, plus many many more cool Duke Nukem 3D special effects. Another quality SM level. Additional Credits to : Oh Great Master Lawrence, Slacker 415 Steven 'Bloodlust' Wong and Darrellman - for more cool Doom, Doom2, Quake, Heretic, Hexen and Quake stuff check out his cool WWW page......... ================================================================ * Play Information * Game : Duke Nukem 3D Episode and Level # : E1l8 Single Player : Yes Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes DukeMatch 2-4 Player : Yes (all weapons appear in DM play) Difficulty Settings : No New Sounds : No New Graphics : No New Music : No Demos Replaced : No =============================================================== * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor used : Build =============================================================== * other SM Levels for Doom2, Carnage, Blitzkreig, Control Station KGx/57 Proxyon Military Base, Proxyon Sector KGx/57 Attack Station KGx/57, Symetrix, and Fist of Fury * other SM Levels for Heretic, Tomb of Quarix, Graves of Thark City of Tanash, Symetrix and Irvel's World * other SM Levels for Hexen, Dreadnaught a complete hub for Hexen, Knockabout another complete hub for Hexen, Draco 7 and Quarhex * other SM Levels for Duke Nukem 3D, Proxyon Military Base * 1996 SM LEVELS * THIS LEVEL IS NOT MADE BY OR SUPPORTED BY 3D REALMS