Author: Matt Harris
Released: 9th June 1996
Rating: 71
Review by Kim Robinson on 12th August 2007
A moonbase level with good gameplay and puzzles, but perhaps would have scored higher were it not for the sometimes featureless corridors and monotonous textures. Still, this author's first map is certainly worth your time.
Gameplay Type: SP
Duke Nukem 3D v1.3d
Filesize: 31.59 KB
2009 - A Space Oddity (284)
Other releases by Matt Harris:
Know of any other maps from this author? Let us know
Mapping template:
================================================================ Title : 2009 - A Space Oddity Filename : Author : Matt Harris A.K.A. MattCake Email Address : 101502.1440[at] ================================================================ Single Player : Yes Indeedio Co-operative 2-8 Player : If you like DukeMatch 2-8 Player : Aye, Captain Difficulty Settings : No New Sounds : No New Graphics : No New Music : No Demos Replaced : None * Construction * Base : Scratch Level Editor used : BUILD Build Time : About 150 hours...(Had to learn BUILD as well, don't forget) Known Bugs : Shouldn't be any, but just maybe... * Copyright / Permissions * Please don't use this map as a base for your own levels. Examine it, rip it apart and learn from it but don't copy it. It's much more satisfying to start from scratch and you'll learn more that way too. * Where to get this cool MAP * Only at GO APOGEE or GO REALMS at the moment but feel free to spread it around (The map that is) to anyone you please as long as no fee is charged and that this file is included. Stick it on yonder Internet if you like. * Other MAPS on the way* Yep. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but soon, and for the rest of my life. Send all comments and suggestions to me at address above. Only constructive criticism please, don't E-Mail me with the message "It's rubbish" or "It's too hard". Tell me why and I'll fix the problem in future levels. This file was designed to be viewed with NotePad. If it looks all weird, then sorry.